For such small words, pronouns get a lot of attention, especially during Pride month. They’re the intersection of language, history, power, & narrative.
Tips, Thoughts, and Epic Quotes
One of the great things about being your own boss, is the ability to feature the talents and skills of those around you. Kellie Donovan-Condron was both my co-host and producer during the five seasons of our Ongoing Mastery: Presenting and Speaking Podcast (on our YouTube channel). She is now the amazing author of our blogs below.
Rourke Training Blogs
Murphy’s law says anything that can go wrong will go wrong, usually at the worst possible moment. When you prepare your content as a series
Juliet’s musing on her beloved’s name shows how language shapes meaning. Speakers should pay attention to their language habits.
At a recent high school award ceremony, everyone had to dress up more than usual. The performers clearly know how to dress for effect.
Practice makes perfect, we know this. But if practice leads to mastery, why does making mistakes while learning something new seem so scary?
At the end of a semester, I always look back to plan ahead. In this post, I’m using Kirsten’s prep, practice, and pivot method to update my planning.