A New Take on Mistakes: See Them as Data for Growth
Practice makes perfect, we know this. But if practice leads to mastery, why does making mistakes while learning something new seem so scary?
Rourke Training – Empowering Smart People
Practice makes perfect, we know this. But if practice leads to mastery, why does making mistakes while learning something new seem so scary?
At the end of a semester, I always look back to plan ahead. In this post, I’m using Kirsten’s prep, practice, and pivot method to update my planning.
This week’s post is inspired by the upcoming 25th anniversary of the fantastic teen comedy, 10 Things I Hate About You (1999), directed by Gil… Read More »10 Things I Hate about the About Me Slide: Check Your Deck
Own your room. Your ethos as a speaker depends on how you run your space. Claim your authority, speak with confidence, don’t cede the spotlight.